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速度远远超过音速的, a fighter jet or ballistic missile can cross even the widest parts of the Baltic Sea in just a few minutes. 在这种情况下,分秒必争. Advanced aerial defence solutions are needed to buy valuable time.



Advances in technology mean the time between an aerial threat appearing over the Baltic Sea and it arriving at its target has never been shorter.

在这些情节中, 帕特里克•Gardesten, 瑞典海军副司令, 解释了, “波罗的海是一片小海. There's a threat here and it comes from attack aircraft, from guided missiles and other missiles. In order to meet this we need good sensors and good weapon systems.”

“波罗的海是一片小海. There's a threat here and it comes from attack aircraft, from guided missiles and other missiles. In order to meet this we need good sensors and good weapon systems.”
帕特里克•Gardesten, 瑞典海军副司令

Angelica Persson, Business Development Analyst at Saab, fully agrees. “[Aerial threats] can reach us from very long distances and they also come at extremely high speeds – supersonic speeds – which makes them extremely difficult to take action against,她说。. “为了应对这类威胁, 例如, 战术弹道导弹, we need to ensure that the right system has the right information at the right point in time in order to be able to operate against them in an optimised way.”

Angelica Persson, Business Development Analyst at Saab

约翰Hägg,十大正规博彩网站评级海军产品经理, 解释了 Saab’s air defence solutions rely on many integrated parts to provide coverage. “我们都有主动传感器, 雷达和其他, 被动传感器可以探测到这些威胁,他说. “We bring this together in a management system that can investigate what kind of threat it is and then we have a number of different working parts which we can choose to use. 它变成了一个完整的功能链.”